
Root cookie, a tiny biscuit made from x̣áwš or lúukš or both (also mámɨn, pank̓ú). Distinct from ɨpá ‘root loaf’. It is dried in the sun. Also pronounced sapk̓íca. ku paˀaníx̣ana sapk̓ísa ku kʷnáx̣i papšátax̣ana ‘and they used to make root cookies and put them in that same bag’; isapk̓úsiyaas ƛ̓áax̣ʷ sapk̓ísa ‘he cheated me out of all the root cookies’; apápki aníyi iwá sapk̓íca ‘the root cake is made with the hand’. Also called sapɨ́l. [N saplɨ́l; Y sapk̓tɨ́t; NP /capk̓ícay/.]