Thornberry, western hawthorn, Crataegus douglasii. šnɨ́m áwa pát ƛ̓aax̣ʷmaamí ‘thornberry is the older sister of them all’; ana kú šnɨ́m ilatíta kúuknam tamaníčta šapx̣ʷlakayí ‘when the thornberry blooms then you should plant your squash’; ku ana mún át̓ix̣a šnɨ́m ku kúuk át̓ita wíwnu ‘and when the thornberry ripens then the huckleberry ripens’; áw šnɨ́m át̓i áwx̣aš pináwšuwaan wíwnu ‘now the Thornberry has ripened, now the huckleberry must have gotten herself ready’. [WS ašnɨ́m; NE šɨšnɨ́m; NP /ssnm/.]