
Walk here and there, walk around. Also variously tk̓ʷánn. itk̓ʷanína ‘he walked around’; itk̓ʷanínša ‘he is walking around here and there’; itk̓ʷaníin ‘he’s walking around, he has walked by’; itk̓ʷanínx̣a ‘he walks around’; ku iqátk̓ʷaninx̣ana ‘and suddenly he would walk around’; wínš ku tílaaki patk̓ʷaníin ‘a man and woman have walked around’; šápii patk̓ʷánx̣a miyánašma skuuliłáma ‘the school kids walk around with back packs’; itk̓ʷaníntk̓ʷaninx̣a čí ‘this one keeps walking around’; qátk̓ʷaninn ‘be left walking around’. [NP /ˀpsqil´xnik/, /ˀpsqilén/.]