
Growing, growth, descendant, pedigree, youth. kuš sɨ́nwita inmíki ttáwax̣tki ‘and I will speak about my growing up’; ana kú iwiyánaq̓ita pɨnmíin ttáwax̣t ‘when her growth is finished’; máal paq̓ínunx̣a paamíin ttáwax̣t ‘how far do they see their pedigree?’; kuš inmínɨm wínšnɨm ƛ̓áax̣ʷ itáymuna pɨnmíin ttáwax̣t pšɨ́tkni ‘and my husband informed me of all his pedigree on his father’s side’; kunam čáw áwiƛ̓iyawita ttáwax̣tna ana kú ittáwax̣ša tkʷátat ‘and you will not kill the growth when the food is growing’; ttáwax̣tna ásapsik̓ʷasa sɨ́nwit paamanáy ‘we are teaching them the language growth’; kutyana wá ƛ̓áax̣ʷ áx̣ʷay pánaymuni nč̓ínč̓ikni ttáwax̣tkni ‘but we are all still related from the ancient pedigree’; kkɨ́sma ttáwax̣tma ‘youths’. [NE ttúux̣t; NP /wyépiˀim/; cf. NP titóoqan /ttóoqn/