
Hair. pináˀikiikayiša tútanik ‘she is washing her hair’; pinátwanpɨnk tútanik ‘comb your hair!’; pináwapšayiya tútanik ‘she braded her hair’; áyaq̓ʷɨcka apɨx̣mí tútanik ‘the hair came off the hide’; kuna iníya płɨ́x̣ tútanikay ‘and he gave us medicine for our hair’; pápaq̓pɨnx̣ana tútanikpa ‘he would pin them to her on the hair’; áwača tutanikmí waláč̓witš ‘he had a (horse) hair belt’; tutanikmí waláč̓witš ‘hair belt’; tutanikmí tak̓páwas ‘horsehair cinch’; k̓usinmí tútanik ‘horse hair’; suk̓páwaspa tutanikpamá ‘bobbypin’. [NP /hukuk/.]