
Camp overnight, stay overnight, spend the night, be a date. ku kʷná pawiyáwawtukɨnx̣ana ‘and they would camp there overnight on the way’; wáˀuyit Junemí k̓úyc áwawtuka ‘it was Saturday June 9’; náaptit ku náx̣š áwawtukɨnx̣a anx̣ayx̣mí ku kúuk pinátamasklikɨnx̣a tiičám wawáx̣ɨmityaw ánɨmkni ‘night falls the twenty first of the month and then the earth turns itself to spring from winter’; nákwawtuk ‘baby-sit’; wɨšwáwtuk ‘camp overnight’; wáwtukt ‘camping overnight, night’. [NP /wéwtuk/.]