

To run; drive a car.


  1. kɨ́tu iwáyx̣tiya ‘he ran fast’;
  2. łɨwɨwáy wáyx̣tik ‘drive slow!’;
  3. ku aw kú iwáyx̣tiya áswan ‘and then the boy ran’;
  4. wáyx̣tišanaaš náx̣šyaw káˀuyityaw ‘I was running to another feast’;
  5. wáyx̣tix̣ana wɨ́npatax̣a aq̓uwitpamá płɨ́x̣ ‘we run to buy cough medicine’;
  6. čáwnam wáyx̣tita ana mɨná iwá wánpt ‘you shouldn’t run wherever there is medicine singing’;
  7. čáwš mún máan wáyx̣tiša ‘I’m never running anywhere’;
  8. iwáyx̣tiša wayx̣tiłá ‘the car is running’;
  9. čáw mún pawáyx̣tix̣ana ataymat̓áwasyaw túyaw ‘never would they run to any store’;
  10. ku mayní míimi pawɨ́šayčtax̣na ana kú iwačá čáw tún tkʷátat ataymat̓áwas anam íkʷɨn wáyx̣tiša wɨ́nptat tkʷátat ‘and how could they stay long ago when there was not any food store where you are running to buy food?’;
  11. ača kú iwačá tamawɨ́n k̓sɨ́t wáyx̣titay ‘because it was too cold for driving’;

See more:

nákwayx̣ti ‘run carrying’;

náwayx̣ti ‘run along hollering’;

náwiyawayx̣ti ‘run along hollering on the way’;

qúwayx̣ti ‘run with a pack on the back’;

šapáwayx̣ti ’cause to run’;

wiyánakwayx̣ti ‘pick up and run’;

wáyx̣titˀuyi ‘start to run’;

wáyx̣titnaq̓i ‘finish running’;

wayx̣tiłá ‘car’.

[NP /wlékeˀeyk/.]