
Roots, edible or medicinal roots. The woman’s side brings roots to the wedding trade. iwá kskɨ́s x̣nít ‘it’s a little root’; sɨ́kni iwá x̣nít ‘yellowbell is a root’; áwtyanam ímč̓a wáta x̣nít ‘but now you also will be a root’; iwák̓ɨlkša x̣nítna ‘she is grinding the roots’; anwimá iwá x̣nít ‘they’re last year’s roots’; tax̣núnaq̓iyi iwá x̣nít ‘the roots are died back’; ixawíša x̣nít ‘the roots are getting mature’; ana kúma pawá x̣nítma ‘those which are roots’; ana pát iwá ƛ̓aax̣ʷmaamí x̣nitmaamí ‘who is the older sister of all the roots’; áwtni walptáykaš ana k̓ʷapɨ́n áwa x̣nitmaamí ‘the tabooed song which belongs to the roots’; wínax̣aataš ášuyatax̣a x̣nítna ‘we go check the roots’. [NP qíˀnit /qˀnit/.]