wáaša ‘dance (generic), dance the religious dance’; calihúumi ‘dance the skip dance’; k̓upíipi ‘dance the circle dance’; páax̣amn ‘war dance’; waaláša ‘dance the Sunday dance’; payumšwáaša ‘dance the grouse dance’; šíikaši ‘dance the Shaker dance’.
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
wáaša ‘dance (generic), dance the religious dance’; calihúumi ‘dance the skip dance’; k̓upíipi ‘dance the circle dance’; páax̣amn ‘war dance’; waaláša ‘dance the Sunday dance’; payumšwáaša ‘dance the grouse dance’; šíikaši ‘dance the Shaker dance’.