tkʷátat ‘eating, victuals’; át̓iš ‘cooked food, ripened fruit’; át̓iš nɨkʷɨ́t ‘cooked meat’; át̓iš tmaanít ‘ripened berries’; áwtni tkʷátat ‘sacred food (food that has been properly tabooed)’; tanán tkʷátat ‘Indian food’; wiyátkʷatat ‘fast food’.
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
tkʷátat ‘eating, victuals’; át̓iš ‘cooked food, ripened fruit’; át̓iš nɨkʷɨ́t ‘cooked meat’; át̓iš tmaanít ‘ripened berries’; áwtni tkʷátat ‘sacred food (food that has been properly tabooed)’; tanán tkʷátat ‘Indian food’; wiyátkʷatat ‘fast food’.