- To go
- wína;
- táwwina ‘go at night’;
- wínatˀuyi ‘begin to go’;
- wínatat̓a ‘want to go’;
- wínatx̣awn ‘go immediately, go right through’;
- wína;
- Motion or manner, or going to a direction or towards somewhere
- áš ‘go in’;
- áštx̣awn ‘go on in’;
- át ‘go out’;
- táwˀat ‘go out (to the bathroom) at night’;
- kʷíyaann ‘go by’;
- náyti ‘go along’ (bound root);
- náynač ‘go inside’ (bound root);
- sunáyti ‘go in single file’;
- panáyti ‘go uphill’;
- ninn ‘go here and there’ (bound root);
- cuníncuninn ‘go about all over’;
- láytk̓i ‘go ashore’ (bound root);
- čɨ́mˀɨlɨpn ‘go up over in fear, go up to the top in fear’;
- táwtič ‘go to bed’;
- tunín ‘go upstream’;
- pɨ́x̣ʷn ‘scatter, spread out.’;
- yipɨ́x̣n ‘go downstream’.
- wáypx̣n ‘go downstream’;
- walúun ‘go into water’;
- wáa- ‘In rapid motion; for awhile‘;
- wáasklik ‘go around, spin’;
- wáatk̓ʷk ‘go in a straight line’;
- wiyá- (While going along, along the way)
- wiyác̓aak ‘go near, approach’;
- wiyánaq̓i ‘finish going’;
- wiyáničanwi ‘go down’;
- wiyánknik ‘go around’;
- wiyáq̓ʷyɨmn ‘go along the side of the mountain’;
- wiyátk̓uk ‘go in a straight line’;
- wiyáx̣aap ‘go into the next room’;
- wánwi ‘go down’;
- x̣ʷáami ‘go up’;
- áš ‘go in’;
- Go to a place
- aláyi ‘go down to a river or stream’;
- q̓ʷyɨ́mn ‘go up hill’;
- ɨlɨ́pn ‘go to the top of a ridge (such as to look over)’;
- núuša ‘go to the other land (after death)’;
- páqalapayk ‘go down a hill’;
- pyútn ‘go ashore’;
- skúulita ‘go to school’;
- wápa ‘go into brush’;
- tútapni ‘go to town on Saturday’;
- Do an action
- kú ‘go, do’;
- máana ‘go root digging (day trip)’;
- náwiyanayt ‘go out singing’;
- t̓ɨ́šn ‘go out (of fire)’;
- tx̣át̓ɨšk ‘suddenly go out (of light, fire)’;
- wát̓uyi ‘go ahead’;
- wilíilawi ‘try to go’;
- x̣ʷyáyčata ‘go take a sweatbath’;