
wɨšána ‘move’; amúnayč ‘move in with in-laws’ (said of a man); ámtayk ‘move in with in-laws’ (said of a woman)’; náyti ‘move along, go along’ (bound root); wiyáat̓a ‘move over, move from one vehicle to another, start going’; wɨšáčič ‘move further on’; wɨšáynač ‘move in’; wɨšáyt ‘move out’; wɨšínwɨšin ‘move around here and there’; wɨšyípx̣n ‘move downstream’; wɨšiyát̓a ‘move camp’; wɨštúx̣n ‘move back’; wɨšx̣ʷáami ‘move up into the high country’; yát̓a ‘move from one place to another’.