twá ‘tepee pole’; čáwaaluukš pátukš ~ čawaaluukšpamá pátukš ‘flagpole’; q̓ɨmkáwas ‘scraper; scraping pole’; sunúus ‘dip net pole’; twaluutpamá ‘dipnet pole’; wac̓ílakas ‘fishing pole’; pátukš ‘pole set in the ground, post, flagpole’; ptúkš ‘posts, poles stuck upright in the ground’; pátaš ‘something standing upright, feather in the hair’; cɨ́quy ‘sticks or poles tied together at top to form a tripod’; cɨquytpamá ‘tepee tie pole’; pčɨ́š ‘door, gate, tepee flap, tepee door pole’; súwapx̣ʷaamit ‘tepee ear poles’ (there are two – also called q̓ɨ́mkas); tčɨ́š ‘hip; tepee tie poles (there are three, sometimes four)’; x̣pɨ́t ‘rib; tepee rib poles (there are four or five)’ tuskáwas twá ‘orientation pole’ (for tepee – points to north star – not used any more)’.