
cáwslayk ‘pull back bowstring, open a pocket knife’; šapáx̣ʷłk ‘pull off (such as a harness)’; sapác̓uumk ‘pull draw strings to close’; ták̓ʷič ‘pull apart’; čáku ‘stretch’; tamántačapa ‘lead or pull into brush’;čámx̣ʷlayk ‘pull out of the ground’; čátamalaytk̓i ‘pull out of water’; čátamanayt ~ čátamawaanayt ~ tamanáyt ~ čáwaanayt ‘pull out’; čáwaanayti ‘pull along’; čáwayna ‘pull in a tug of war’; čáwaaničanwi ‘pull down’; čáwaanknik ‘pull around, wrap around’; čáwaatux̣ ‘pull back’; čáwaax̣ʷaami ‘pull up, hoist with a rope’; čáwslayk ‘pull back a bow, aim a gun’; čáqʷłk ‘pull apart, divide into sections, separate, pull weeds’; čákʷtk ‘pull apart, pull weeds, pick flower’; tákʷtč ‘pull weeds, pick flowers’; táx̣uup ‘pull a plant to cause a weather change’.