awqalilłá šapyášapya ‘tumbleweed, prickly Russian thistle, Kali tragus (syn. Salsola tragus)’; qʷɨtqʷɨ́t ‘stickers, Cirsium spp. (‘wavyleaf thistle, C. Undulatum‘; ‘spear thistle, C. vulgare‘; ‘Canadian thistle, C. arvense‘).
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
awqalilłá šapyášapya ‘tumbleweed, prickly Russian thistle, Kali tragus (syn. Salsola tragus)’; qʷɨtqʷɨ́t ‘stickers, Cirsium spp. (‘wavyleaf thistle, C. Undulatum‘; ‘spear thistle, C. vulgare‘; ‘Canadian thistle, C. arvense‘).