kútkut; at̓úk kútkut ‘hard work’; skuulitpamá tímaš ‘school work’; kutkutpamá k̓úsi ‘work horse’; qqaanáyt ‘business, industry, activity’; at̓úk qqaanáyt ‘hard work’; áwtni qqaanáyt ‘sacred work’; qqaanáywit ‘business, industry, activity’.
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
kútkut; at̓úk kútkut ‘hard work’; skuulitpamá tímaš ‘school work’; kutkutpamá k̓úsi ‘work horse’; qqaanáyt ‘business, industry, activity’; at̓úk qqaanáyt ‘hard work’; áwtni qqaanáyt ‘sacred work’; qqaanáywit ‘business, industry, activity’.