47 terms are determiners


Those. Nominative. Also kʷɨ́ma. ana kúma pałq̓íwišana ‘those who were playing’; ana kúma paskúulisa čná ‘those who are going to school here’; ku kúma patmíyuša ana tún pawíˀaniša níit čná ‘and those are deciding which ever houses they are building here’; ku kúma patmíyuša ‘and those are deciding’; ku patáq̓inuna kúma súlčasma ‘and those soldiers saw her’; pamíya kúma ašwaníyama ‘those slaves did it’. [WS kʷmá; NW kumák; NP konmá /kʷn-mé/.]


Those. Accusative case. kuš čáw kʷáaman ášukʷaša ‘and I don’t know those’; kuš ášukʷaša kʷáaman tanánmaaman ‘and I know those people’; iwánpiša kʷáaman ‘he is calling those’; ku kʷná patáwapawx̣inx̣a kʷáaman xúlxulmaaman ‘and there they release those fish’; ana kʷáaman patátamaničta čúuspa ‘those which they will plant in the water’. Also kʷaamanáy. [NW ikuumanák, kuumanák; NP konmaná /kʷn-me-né/.]


Of those. Genitive case. áwa ƛ̓áax̣ʷ kʷaamíin ana kʷná núsux̣na pakúx̣a ‘those all have where they catch salmon’. [NW kuumínk; NP konmáam /kʷn-me-m/.]


Toward that, in that direction, that way. kʷáan kúk ‘go away!’; kʷáan wínak ‘go away!’; kʷáan wínak mɨlá k̓usik̓úsi ‘go away, bad dog!’; kʷáan wínak inmíkni ‘get away from me!’; pawšánax̣ana kʷáan táp̓aškan ‘they used to move toward the mountains’; šíman pawšánax̣ana kʷáan ‘who all used to move that way?’; kʷaaná ‘that’ (accusative); kʷaaní ‘toward that’ (emphatic versative); kʷáaman ~ kʷaamanáy ‘those’ (plural accusative); kʷaamíin ‘of those’ (plural genitive); kʷáal ‘that long, that far’. For other ablaut bases see kʷn-, kʷiin-. Ablaut variant of kʷn-. For absolute see k̓ʷáy ‘that’.


That. Accusative case. patkʷátax̣a kʷaaná ‘they eat that’; kʷaanánaš áykɨnx̣ana ‘I used to hear that’; kunam kʷaaná áwštaymata ‘and you will meet that one’; ku kʷaaná panáktux̣ʷat̓ašamš ‘and they want to bring that back’. For absolute see k̓ʷáy. [NE kʷaaná(k); NW kuunák, ikuunák; NP konyá /kʷn-yé/.]


In that very direction. áwš kʷaaní wínaša ‘now I am going in that direction’; ana mɨná tún iwačá tkʷátat ku kʷaaní pawšánax̣ana ‘wherever there was any food, then they would move in that direction’; kunam páyš wínata x̣nítata kʷaaní ‘and maybe you will go root digging in that direction’; ku kʷaaní pawínax̣ana ana pmáy pawačá wánpi ‘and they who were sung would go in that direction’; maykʷáanik ‘further, all the more’. [NW kuuník; íkuunik; NP konmá /kʷn-mé/.]


In that direction, that way. wínak kʷáy ‘go that way!’; kʷáyš kʷɨ́ł wánaq̓i ‘I have finished that much in that direction’; ana kʷáy yáamašin pátx̣taymata ‘the way that the deer will trade with him’.


In that direction, that way, for that reason. kʷaynína išapáwinama ‘he sent us in that direction’; kʷáysɨm pawínana ‘they went the same way, they went at the same time’; kʷaynítaš áwišɨnx̣ana paanáy k̓úsi ‘in that manner we would win his horse’.


Distal. Lengthened vowel ablaut used in the dual. kʷiiní ‘those two’. For other ablaut bases see kʷn-, kʷáan, and absolute k̓ʷáy.


Those two. Accusative dual. Also kʷiinamanáy. kúušx̣i kʷíinaman patáwaqitna ‘in the same way they looked for those two’; ku aw kú kʷná patáˀiƛ̓iyawiya kʷíinaman łmamatúwinaman ‘and there then they killed those two old ladies’; čáwnam ánita kʷiinamanáy ‘you shouldn’t give it to those two’.


Of those two. Genitive dual. kʷiinamí áwača k̓usik̓úsi ‘it was the dog of those two’.


Those two. Absolute dual. čná pawá kʷiiní kátkaatin ‘those two boys are here’. The dual function of kʷiiní is probably an extension of the associative, e.g., see kʷiiní ‘with that’. [NW kʷiiník (Jacobs 1937:31.17.3, pg. 74); Y kʷíyin.]


With that. Associative case. wiyánawiyaataš kʷiiní wínšin ‘I arrived with that man’; k̓ʷáy iwá wínš ataš kʷiiní wínata ‘that is the man with whom I shall go’. Also functions as ergative in the pragmatic inverse: ana kʷiiní páwaašayišana ‘that one who was dancing for him’; ana kʷiiní pánaknuwiša miyánašmaaman ‘that which looks after the children’; nč̓í tamánwit kʷiiní pátyanɨpɨn ‘that one has taken away the great law’; ku ana šína paníša ku kʷiiní pánita paanáy čɨ́mti kápin ‘and to whomever they are giving it then that one will give her a new digging stick’; ku kʷiiní ƛ̓áax̣ʷ wáx̣wayčtna pášapayawaynašana ‘and that one caused the bridge to wash out completely’; iwá áwtni čúuš ana kʷiiní pásapakiikɨnx̣a ƛ̓áax̣ʷna ‘the water which cleanses all is tabooed’. [NW kʷiiník (Jacobs 1937:16.23.3, pg. 33); Y kʷíyin.]


That many, that much. kʷɨ́łnam pačwíčta ‘they should give you that much in appreciation’; kʷɨ́łnaš áw šúkʷaša ‘that much now I know’; kʷáyš kʷɨ́ł wánaq̓i ‘I have finished that much in that direction’; k̓ʷáyš kʷɨ́ł áykɨnx̣ana inmímaaman nč̓ínč̓imaaman sɨ́nwityaw ‘that much I used to hear my elders speak’; k̓ʷáynaš kʷɨ́ł áp̓x̣ša ‘that much I remember them’; k̓ʷáyš kʷɨ́ł sɨ́nwi ‘that much I have spoken’; k̓ʷáyš áw kʷɨ́ł ínč̓a šúkʷaša ‘that much Also now I know’; kʷɨ́łx̣itaš wá anwíčt ‘we are the same age’; kutaš ániya kʷɨ́łx̣i x̣ax̣áykʷ paamanáy ‘and we gave them the same amount of money’; kʷɨ́ł áw kúuš ‘that’s all’ (said at the end of a speech); aš kʷɨ́ł ánaknuwišana ‘as many as I was taking care of’; awkłáw ‘quit!’. Ablaut: kúułn ‘be full, satiated’. [NW kʷɨ́łk; NP kalá.]


In that, there. Locative case. ku kʷná pałq̓íwita ‘and they will play there’; ku kʷná išaláwiya ‘and there she got tired’; pináwɨnpšana kʷná waláč̓witšpa ‘he was getting himself into that belt’; kʷnákʷna panišáyšana ‘they were living here and there’; ana kʷná paskúulisa ‘where they are going to school’. [NW kʷnák, íkʷnak; NP koná /kʷn-né/.]


From there, from that place. kʷnamáan áwača pɨnmíin pšɨ́t ku pčá ‘her father and mother were from there’; kʷnamáašta wá inmí ttáwax̣t ‘my genealogy is from there’. [NE kʷnamá; NW kʷnamánk; NP konamá /kʷnamá/.]


For that, for there. kʷnáyk̓aynata kú pamáwšuwaša ‘we then are getting ourselves ready for that place’. [K kʷnáynk̓ay.]


From that, from there. Ablative case. ku kʷɨ́ni ikúx̣ana núsux̣na pšwákni ‘and he would catch salmon from that rock’; kʷɨ́ninaata wá ƛ̓áax̣ʷ pápanaymuni ‘from that one we are all related to one another’; kunam kʷɨ́ni pałáykʷta ‘and they will order you out from there’; túnmaš wáta tkʷátat kʷɨ́ni ‘what food will you have from that?’; ku kʷɨ́ni pápaničɨnx̣ana ‘and because of that they would put one another away’; aš kʷɨ́ni wiyánawiša tiičámkni ‘that land from which I am ariving’; kuš kʷɨ́ni pašápnišana ‘and from that they were asking me’; kʷɨ́nimataš wámš ‘yours are coming from there’. [NE & Y kʷɨ́nik; K kʷnínk (Jacobs 1937:29.4.1, pg. 66); NP koníix /kʷn-ík/.]


On that side. ku kʷníin áwača níit winšmí ‘and the man had a house on that side’; ku iwá k̓ʷáy tiičám kʷníin atáčuušpa ku čníin iwá čí tiičám ‘and there is that country on that side of the ocean and on this side is this country’. [NP /kúun̓ike/.]


With that, about that, because of that. Instrumental case. kupam kʷɨ́nki łq̓íwišana ‘and you were playing with that’; ku kʷɨ́nki paˀaníx̣ana wáswas ‘and with that they used to make string’; kupam kʷɨ́nki paláy wɨ́šayčɨnx̣a miyánašma ‘and because of that you children become foolish’; ku kʷɨ́ni aw kú kʷáan paláakɨnx̣ana ana šín áwaca náymu ‘and from then on they would forget who was their relative’; kuš kʷɨ́nki pašápnišana ‘and they were asking about that’; ku kʷɨ́nki pinánkaštkɨnx̣ana ‘and with that he would tie himself up’; apam šíman pawɨ́npta ku patíyašana kʷɨ́nki ‘all whoever will receive you were laughing about that’; čáwnam ámčni sc̓átpa tkʷátata ača kú iwá átaw mɨškʷyámkt kʷɨ́nki ‘you shouldn’t eat outside at night because the belief about that is important’; šux̣ašúx̣aki kʷɨ́nki ‘with that mint’. [NW kʷɨnkínk; NP konkí /kʷn-kí/.]