míš ‘in what manner? how? why?’.
58 terms are interrogatives
mɨ́ł ‘how many? how much? however many, however much’.
mɨ́ł ‘how many? how much?’.
Whom? whomever. Accusative plural. šáaman paq̓ínušana ‘who all did they see?’. [NE šímaaman; NP /ˀisíimene/.]
Whose? whosever. Genitive plural. šaamíin áwa ‘of whom all is it?’. [NE šinmaamí; NP genitive and ergative /ˀisíimem/.]
Who? whoever. Dual number or associative case. Also pronounced šíyin. šíin pawá ‘who are those two?’; ana šíin pawánpta úyit ‘whichever two will medicine sing first’; šíinpam tkʷátata ‘who are you going to eat with?’; šíin páq̓inušana ‘who saw him?’; ku šíin páwiyapɨnyawax̣ana ‘and someone would go out to him’.
Who? whoever. Accusative dual. šíinaman paq̓ínušana ‘who did they see?’.
Whose? whosever. Genitive dual. šiinamí áwa ‘of which two is it?’.
Who? whoever, some people. Nominative plural. šíman pawá ‘who are they?’; šíman pawšánax̣ana kʷáan ‘who used to move that way?’; šíman pawiyánawi ‘who has arrived?’; ana šíman pawiyánawita ‘whoever which are going to arrive’; ku kʷná pawámšita ana šíman kʷná pawšáyčat̓ata ‘and whoever will want to stay there will buy on credit’; ana šíman pawá čná ‘whoever which are here’; ana šíman pawačá waníči ‘whoever which were named’; apam šíman pawɨ́npta ku patíyašana kʷɨ́nki ‘all whoever which will receive you were laughing about that’. [NP /ˀisíime/.]
Whose? whosever. Genitive singular. šimíin áwa ‘whose is it?’; šimíin áwača waníčt ‘who had the name?’; ana šimíin čáw áwšayča nč̓í áw k̓ʷáyk̓a áw miyánaš tún ‘whosever elder or child passed away’; čáw máan wínatay šimíin ‘nowhere for anyone to go’. [NP /ˀisíinm/.]
Who? whoever, someone, somebody, anyone, anybody.
Used to ask questions or combine with other conjunctions to form a new conjunction.
- ƛ̓áax̣ʷ šín ‘everyone, everybody’;
- čáw šín ‘no one, nobody’;
- šín iwá ‘who is he?’;
- šínam wá ‘who are you?’;
- šín iwiyánawi ‘who has arrived?’;
- ana mɨná čáw iwɨ́šayčɨnx̣ana šín ‘wherever someone would pass away’;
- ku k̓ʷapɨ́n šín iwɨ́npta čɨ́mti waníčt ‘and the aforementioned somebody will get the new name’;
- amaš šín wačá imíin tíla ‘whoever was your grandfather’;
- ana mɨná šín čáw iwɨ́šayča ‘wherever anyone passed away’;
- ku čáw šín iwá ana kʷná iwačá ‘and nobody is where she was’;
- ana mɨná šín čáw iwiyáwšayčɨnx̣ana ‘wherever anyone would pass away’;
See more:
[NP /ˀisíi/.]
pron. Whom? Whomever, someone, somebody, anyone. šína kʷná patámiča ‘who did they bury there?’; čáw šína iq̓ínuna ‘he didn’t see anyone’; čáwnam mún áwaƛ̓awita šína ‘you should never beg from anyone’; čáwnam šína áč̓ɨškawata ‘you shouldn’t lie to anybody’; čáwnam šína ásapk̓usisa ‘you are not deceiving anyone’; ku kúuš aw kú panáymuša ƛ̓áax̣ʷna šína ‘and in that way then they are related to everyone’; ánitanam šína anam šína ápx̣ʷiša ‘you should give it to someone you know’; anam šína ápx̣ʷiša ‘someone whom you think’; ana šína pɨ́n išúkʷaša ‘whomever he knows’; čáwnam šína ásapk̓usisa ‘you are not cheating anyone’; čáwnam šína qaˀáat tún kúša ‘you are not doing anything to anyone in secret’; ana šína patámiča kʷná ‘whomever they buried there’; ku ana šína iníta ‘and to whom he will give it’; ku ana šína paníša ku kʷiiní pánita paanáy čɨ́mti kápin ‘and to whomever they are giving it then that one will give her a new digging stick’; aš kú čáw ín šína áčɨškawašana ‘when I did not lie to anyone’. [NW šíin; NP /ˀisíine/.]
For what? Why? Reduced from túyay. [NP ˀitów̓ayn.]
Toward what? toward whatever, toward something, toward anything. túkannam itux̣ʷɨ́naša ‘what are you shooting at?’. [NP /ˀitúukek/.]
With what? with whatever, with something, with anything. túkinam px̣ʷípx̣ʷiša ‘what are you worried about?’; túkinam šaláwiša ‘what are you tired about?’; ana kú k̓usik̓úsima papayúwix̣a túkin ‘when the horses are sick with something’; ana kʷná čikúuk náma táwyaša čáw px̣ʷípx̣ʷini túkin ‘where today we are living not worried about anything’; anam túkin máan wínatax̣na ‘with whatever you can go somewhere’. [NP /ˀitúuki/.]
From what? On what side? from whatever, on whatever side. aš kú míš ín wɨ́šayčta čáwpam qáwšx̣ta túkni ‘when something happens to me you shouldn’t stop anything’. [N túknik; NP /ˀitúupkn̓ik/.]
What ones? Whatever ones. Absolute plural. túman pawačá ‘what kind of persons were they?’; anam túman míš pamíta kʷɨ́nki ‘things which do somehow with that’; ku k̓ʷapɨ́n patáwɨnpayiya túman ‘and they got whichever aforementioned ones’; túman pawiyánawiya q̓ínwanat paamanáy ‘what things came to see them?’; ttúušma pawinanína ača kú čáw pašúkʷašama túman pawiyánawiya q̓ínwanat paamanáy ‘some ran away because they did not know what had come to see them’. [NP /ˀitúume/.]
pron. What? Whatever, something, anything.
- tún iwá ‘what is it?’;
- tún iwá k̓ʷáy ‘what is that?’;
- tún iwá čí ‘what is this?’;
- túnmaš wá ‘what do you have?’;
- tún waníči iwá ‘what is it named?’;
- tún itíwaša ‘what smells?’;
- túnam tkʷátašana čikúuk ‘what did you eat today?’;
- tún ixʷítxʷitša ‘what is whistling?’;
- tún patáwaničɨnx̣a ‘what do they name it?’;
- tún iyáx̣aluuša waynatpamáyaw ‘what is he pouring into the cooking pot?’;
- túnnam áw iwɨ́npayita ‘what of yours will it get now?’;
- čáw iwačá tún łq̓íwit ‘it was not some game’;
- ƛ̓áax̣ʷ inákwinana ana tún áwača ‘she brought everything that she had’;
- ku áwa ayáyat pɨnmíin tún ‘and he had something beautiful’;
- čúušapam tún ana tún iwá čáw níix̣ ‘you are drinking something which is not good’;
- ana mɨná iwá tún káˀuyit ‘wherever there is any feast’;
- kumaš payúwita apáp aw k̓ʷáyk̓a áw wɨx̣á ana tún ‘and your hand or foot, etc., will get sick’;
- pawípax̣ʷišana tún ‘they are stealing each thing’;
- čáw tún waníči tiičám ‘not any named land’;
- pašúkʷašana ttún wíˀanit ‘they knew how to make things’;
- ana tuntún iwá x̣nít túnx̣ wíwaniči ‘things which are differently named roots’;
- tuntún áwača płɨ́x̣ ‘they had all kinds of medicine’
- tún płɨ́x̣ay ‘things for medicine’;
- tún tkʷátat ‘some food’;
See more:
ana tún ‘something which, anything which, whatever, etc.’;
ƛ̓áax̣ʷ tún ‘everything‘;
túna (acc.);
túyay ‘for what’;
túyaw ‘to what’;
túpan ‘in what’;
túkin ‘with what’.
[NP /ˀitúu/.]
What? whatever, something, anything. Accusative case. túnanam átq̓ix̣ša ‘what do you want?’; túnapam ánačiča ‘what did you bring?’; túna k̓súyasna pawɨ́npatata ‘what eels will they go get?’; anam túna áqqaanayša ‘anything you are working on’; kúušx̣i patmaaníx̣a túna ‘in the same way they pick something’; ana kú čáw paˀáwtša túna ‘when they are not tabooing anything’; átawax̣išapam túna mɨláan ‘you are smoking something bad’. [NW túun; NP /ˀitúune/.]
What? Ergative case. kutaš čáw túnɨm iwiyák̓ɨnkta ‘and nothing will block our way’. [NP /ˀitúunm/.]