2,444 terms are transitive verbs


Make straight, straighten. Y pináˀic̓waykša ‘he is straightening himself up (morally)’.


Bother, be bothersome, distract someone who is busy. kunam áwihananuykša ‘and you’re bothering them’; áwihananuykšaaš ‘I am bothering them’.


Wash. áwiix̣ɨnk ‘clean it!’; paˀíix̣na níitna šk̓apášwayki ‘they washed the house with rose (water)’; kunam kʷɨ́nki íix̣ta k̓ʷapɨ́n čalúkški ‘and you will wash the aforementioned (sore) with that fern-leaved desert parsley’; pamáˀiix̣ɨnx̣ana kʷɨ́nki ‘they would wash themselves with that’; kunam paˀíix̣nayita ‘and they will wash yours’; íix̣ša pinaq̓inut̓áwas ‘he is cleaning the window’; íix̣tay wáaš ‘for washing the sacred ground’; paˀaníx̣ana čúuš šk̓apášwayki íix̣tay wáaš ‘they would prepare the water with rose for washing the sacred ground’; iix̣áł ‘unwashed’; íix̣ni ‘washed’; iix̣tpamá ‘sink’; sapaˀixáwas ‘soap’. [NP /ˀayq/ (bound with /wepé-/ ‘with the hand’).]


Clean, cleanse, wash, wipe. íkiikɨnk k̓štɨ́n ‘brush your teeth!’; paˀíkiikɨnx̣a kyáak ‘they keep it clean’; kunam ƛ̓áax̣ʷ k̓ʷapɨ́n íkiikayita ‘and you will clean all his aformementioned [sores]’; pináˀikiikayik núšnu ‘clean your nose!’; kʷná pačwáywitpa paˀášɨnx̣ana ku kʷná aw kú pamásapakiikɨnx̣ana ‘they used to go in there on Sunday and there then they would cleanse themselves (of sin)’; íkiiki ‘cleaned’. Also sapákiik. [NP /capákyk/.]


Fill. áwikkmišaaš ‘I’m filling it up’; íkkmiya čuutpamá tkʷsáy lálx̣ki ‘he filled his cup with coffee’. [NP /kkm´mn/.]


Straighten out. áw íkuuksɨmita ‘now he will straighten it out’; áwna pamáˀikuuksɨmiša wáašyaw ‘now we are getting in line next to the sacred ground’. [NP /cepétk̓ʷk/.]


Shorten (the life of), diminish, outdo. pápaˀik̓aywakša twátima ‘the shamans are trying to overpower each other’; pápaˀik̓aywakat̓ana ‘they wanted to outdo each other’.


Block, head off. [NP /ˀpék̓lk/.]


Pile, pile up. áwik̓ukšaaš ‘I’m piling it up’; paˀík̓ukɨnx̣a čúušpa ílukasna ‘they (beaver) pile limbs in the water’; paˀík̓uka twá ‘they piled the tepee poles (such as on a rack so they wouldn’t rot)’; wiláˀik̓uk ‘drift (of snow, sand)’; ík̓ukt ‘pile’. [NP /híl̓amk/.]


Separate out and put away as for medicine dance. íkʷstɨmišaaš útpas ku táani tmaanít ‘I am putting away blankets and canned fruit’; áwikʷtɨmitaaš čí wánptay ‘I’ll put this away for the medicine singing’.


Spoil, give constant attention. paˀíkʷaankɨnx̣a miyánašma ‘they are letting their children be spoiled’; íkʷaanki miyánaš ‘spoiled child’. [Y šapák̓ʷaani; NP /capámyak/.]


Erase, clear tracks (as after a funeral). ana kú it̓úx̣t̓x̣ʷiya ku watíkšna páˀilaamka ‘when it rained his tracks were washed away’; wilíilaamk ‘cover up (of wind)’. [NP /weqeesqeesn/.]


Melt. Also ílac̓uup. áwilac̓uupšaaš púuyna ‘I’m melting the snow’; paˀílac̓uupa yápaš ‘they melted the grease’. [NP /ˀleyúˀk/.]


Dry huckleberries over fire. áwilac̓ikšaaš wíwnuna ‘I’m drying the huckleberries over the fire’.


Warm, warm up. áwilac̓muyišaaš k̓usik̓úsina ‘I’m warming up the dog’. [NP /cepéluˀq/; /ˀlelúˀq/ ‘be warmed by the fire’.]


Melt fat. paˀílac̓uupɨnx̣ana yápaš ‘they used to melt fat’; áwilac̓upc̓uptanam yápašna anam kú ínaat̓ita ‘you will melt the fat when you barbecue’; ílac̓upc̓upni yápaš ‘melted grease’. [Y ílawala.]


Smoke hides. They are smoked over rotten wood (lúq̓um ílukas). paˀílamx̣ška apɨ́x̣ ‘they smoked their hide yellow’; kunam apɨ́x̣na áwilamx̣škta ‘and you will smoke the hide’. [NP /capáˀlamqsk/.]


Lay on the hands for healing. ílapašaša paanáy apápki ‘he is laying hands on him’; ílapašaša payúwitna ‘he is laying hands on the sick one’. See also wapáša. [NP /wepéce/.]


Illuminate, light up, shine, shine, turn on the light. áwilaqayx̣išaaš níitna ‘I am illuminating the house’. [NP /capáˀlakaˀwi/.]


Overcook. míšatakʷa páˀilatamawnayiyanam wíwnu ‘for crying out loud! you overcooked my huckleberries’.