While, merely, just, but away with it! let it go!. Jacobs 1931:268 ƛ̓áptyaš kú wínana ‘and I just went anyway’; ƛ̓áp čí naamí lamtús ik̓úša ‘our no good challengers are gathered here’; ƛ̓áp míimi ttúušma pawíƛ̓iyawiya ‘they already each just died’; kʷná áw ƛ̓áp ‘let it go!’; ƛ̓áp iwá ‘take it away! away with it!’ (Jacobs 1931:143). [NW ƛ̓ánx̣; cf. Y ƛ̓áp ‘no good, bad (unwanted)’ (Beavert & Hargus 2009).]