592 terms are adverbs


Individuated object. Inflects certain verbal prefixes (e.g., compare causatives: individuative šapá- with distributive šáp-).

[NP /é-/.]


Oh! aat pamáan ‘oh this is frustrating!’; aat yáyš ‘very bad!’.


Amen, so be it. Said after prayers and public pronouncements.


Long, tall, far. čáal ‘this long, this tall, this far’; kʷáal ‘that long, that tall, that far’; máal ‘how long? how tall? how far?’. [NE -ˀál; NP /-hál/.]


Fast, quick to go somewhere else. kuušyawáysɨm pawá alúx ‘they are quick to go only somewhere else’.


From last year, last year’s. See anwimá.


Outside. Bound. ámčan ‘toward the outside’; ámčni ‘from or on the outside’. [NP /ˀémt-/.]


Times. lísxam ‘once’; nápam ‘twice’; mɨ́tam ‘three times’; pínapam ‘four times’; páx̣am ‘five times’; mɨ́laam ‘how many times?’. [NP /-hem/.]


Toward the outside, outward. ámčan iwínaša ‘he is going outside’. [NP /ˀémtkek/.]


Outside, on the outside, from outside. c̓múy iwá ámčni ‘it’s warm outside’; ku aw kú itútiya kʷná ámčni ‘and then she stood up there outside’; ámčni itútiša ‘he is standing outside’; čáwš mún átɨnx̣a ámčnikan ‘I never go outside’; ámčnikan iwínaša ‘he is going outside’. [N ámčnik; NP /ˀémtkn̓ik/.]


Again. ku ánč̓a iwínana ‘and again he went’; kunam čáw mún ánč̓a áq̓inuta ‘and you will never see him again’; ánč̓a máan ‘in another direction’; ánč̓a náx̣š ‘another’; ánč̓a náx̣š łk̓ʷí ‘another day’; ánč̓ax̣i ‘again’; anč̓ax̣iˀánč̓ax̣i ‘from time to time’. [NW ánač̓a (Jacobs 1929: 184:8; 228:3; 230:16; 236:16; 237:11; 239:10; etc.); NP /hének̓e/; from *hének ‘back’ plus k̓e ‘also, too’.]


Toward the back, backward. ánačan iwx̣íin k̓píit ‘he has thrown the ball back (over his shoulder)’; páx̣amnam áwx̣ita ánačan ‘five times you will throw them toward the back’. See ánay. [NP héeleekipx /hélek-pk/.]


Behind, from behind. ánačni wínak ‘get behind!’; ánačni níitpa iwá k̓píit ‘the ball is in back of the house’; ánačni níitpa iníča k̓píit ‘he put the ball behind the house’; ánačni ttɨx̣šmípa iwá wáptas ‘the feather is behind the basket’; iwx̣ína k̓píit ánačni níitpa ‘he threw the ball behind the house’; ánačni itútiša inmípa níitpa ‘he is standing behind my house’; ánačniš tútiya ‘I stood in the back’; ánačninam wášata ‘you’ll ride behind’. See ánay. [NE ánačnik; K ánačɨnik ~ ánakčɨnik; NP héeleekin̓ix /hélek-kn̓ik/.]


Back, behind, afterwards, last in a series. ášam áwiyanawiya wát̓i ku ánay iwiyánawiya ‘his wife arrived first and he arrived afterwards’; ku kʷaaná patátwanax̣a ánay ‘and they follow behind that one’; aw kú čná álay ƛ̓áax̣ʷ táatpas patáyax̣nayiya ‘then back here they found all their clothing’; pápanaknuwitapam čáw wíyat ánayyaw łk̓ʷíyaw ‘you should take care of one another almost to the last day’; ánačan ‘backward, toward the back’; ánačni ‘behind, in back’; ánaytx̣aw ‘the very last’; wiyáalačawi ‘look back’. [N ának; NP /hélek/.]


Last year, next year. anwímnaš wiyálst̓aka ‘I joined last year’; anwímnaš áx̣ʷay ínč̓a wiyálst̓akta ‘next year I’ll rejoin too’; pawiyálst̓aka ánč̓ax̣i anwím ‘they rejoined last year’; anwímnataš wapáwx̣ita patún ‘next year we will give things away’; anwimá ‘from last year’. [Y ɨnwím; NP /ˀnwim/.]


From last year, last year’s; yearling, one that is a year old. k̓ʷáy iwá anwimá ‘those are last year’s’; anwimá iwá x̣nít ‘they’re last year’s roots’; anwimá iwá q̓áyq̓ay ‘it’s a yearling colt’; čí iwá aluwimá x̣nít ‘these are last year’s roots’. [Y ɨnwimá; NP /ˀnwime/.]


Indeed. áta k̓sɨ́t iwá ‘it is very cold’; čáwnam áta wínamta ‘surely you shouldn’t come’; áta iq̓ínwatana watáy ‘the weasel indeed went to see’ (Jacobs 1937:11.9.2, pg. 19). [NP /ˀéte/.]


Now. áwna wínaša ‘we’re going now’; áw pawámš ‘they’re coming now’; íi áw ‘very well’; kʷɨ́ł áw kúuš ‘that much now thusly’ (said at the end of a talk); aw kú ‘then’; aw k̓ʷáyk̓a áw ‘or’. [NP /wáqi/, wáaqoˀ /wáqi-ˀu/.]


Enough, no more. Same as áw kʷɨ́ł áw.


That much now. áwkʷłnaš áykšana ‘I was hearing them enough’. Compounded from áw ‘now’ and kʷɨ́ł ‘that much’.