
Needle, awl, metal, iron. ipɨ́stxša ɨstína ‘he (a blacksmith) is working the metal’; pawísxɨnx̣a ɨstíki ‘they sew with a needle’; láx̣ʷayx̣ ɨstí ‘hot iron’; pipšmí ɨstí or pípš ɨstí ‘bone needle (a long bone with a hole in one end for sewing tule mats)’; ilukasmí ɨstí ‘wooden needle (whittled from hardwood and used for sewing tule mats)’; wisxpamá ɨstí ‘sewing needle’; nč̓í ɨstí ‘awl’; ɨstí palkliktpamá ‘fence wire’; ɨstinmí ‘silver dollar’; ɨstipamá ‘needle pouch’. [NP /ˀsty/.]