Frog, Pacific tree frog, Hyla regilla; the “frog” on a horse’s leg. paˀínɨmɨnx̣a aluq̓átma ‘the frogs croak’; aluq̓atmí útpas ‘green fresh water algae’. [NP wex̣wéqt /wqwqt/; cf. /ˀálok̓at/ ‘young male mountain sheep, Ovis canadensis‘.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Frog, Pacific tree frog, Hyla regilla; the “frog” on a horse’s leg. paˀínɨmɨnx̣a aluq̓átma ‘the frogs croak’; aluq̓atmí útpas ‘green fresh water algae’. [NP wex̣wéqt /wqwqt/; cf. /ˀálok̓at/ ‘young male mountain sheep, Ovis canadensis‘.]