Tollgate, Oregon. alúwax̣tat iwá x̣ʷáami pɨ́t̓x̣anupa ku kʷná iwá ataymat̓áwas ku tkʷatatáwas ɨščɨtpáyn ‘Tollgate is high in the mountains and there is a store and restaurant there along the road’.
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Tollgate, Oregon. alúwax̣tat iwá x̣ʷáami pɨ́t̓x̣anupa ku kʷná iwá ataymat̓áwas ku tkʷatatáwas ɨščɨtpáyn ‘Tollgate is high in the mountains and there is a store and restaurant there along the road’.