
Moon, month. itináytšamš álxayx ‘the moon is coming up’; iláqayx̣iša álxayx ‘the moon is shining’; ic̓íilɨn álxayx ‘it is a full moon’; c̓íil iwá álxayx ‘it is a full moon’; isc̓átsa álxayx ‘the moon is eclipsing’; náaptit ku náx̣š áwawtukɨnx̣a anx̣ayx̣mí ‘it is the 21st of the month’; náaptit ku náx̣š áwawtukɨnx̣a anx̣ayx̣mí ku kúuk pinátamasklikɨnx̣a tiičám wawáx̣ɨmityaw ánɨmkni ‘night falls the twenty first of the month and then the earth turns itself from winter to spring’; qáayx̣ álxayx ‘bright moon’; alxayxmí níit ‘ring around the moon’; alxayxwáakuł ipáax̣ ‘pan bread, moon bread’; xawíyi álxayx ‘May, June’. [ál is diminutive of án ‘sun’; x̣áyx̣ ‘dawn’; NP /hísemtuks/ ‘sun, moon’.]