
Verb nominalizer in directional complements. wiyánawiyawašamaš šápniyanat ‘I am coming to ask you’; pawiyánawišana q̓ínwanat ‘they were arriving to see [them]’; iwámšna íƛ̓iyawiyanat ‘he is coming to kill us’; túman pawiyánawiya q̓ínwanat paamanáy ‘what had come to see them?’; pawiyánawiša wáp̓anat ‘they are arriving to weave’; pawiyánawiša sápsik̓ʷanat ‘they are arriving to teach’; áana áw čí iwámš wáwˀaƛ̓awiyanat x̣ax̣áykʷyaw ‘oh now this one is coming to beg for money’; wáytšaykatyataš kʷáan Wayámkan wɨ́npanat x̣yáw núsux̣ ‘instead we were crossing on over toward Celilo to get dry salmon’. See also nominalizer -t.