
Skin, hide. patánakwaašayix̣a twínpas ku kúušx̣i apɨ́x̣ ‘they dance with his rifle and similarly the hide’; áyaq̓ʷɨcka apɨx̣mí tútanik ‘the hair came off the hide’; kúušx̣i paˀaníx̣ana apx̣mí ‘in the same way they would make it of hide’; išapáyaq̓ʷɨcka apɨ́x̣ ‘he stripped the hide of its hair’; sikinmí apɨ́x̣ ‘badger hide’; pláš ímiiki apɨ́x̣ ‘white buckskin’. [NP /meˀeqs/ ‘fresh untanned hide’; /qillu/ ‘dried untanned hide’; /wispol/ ‘tanned hide’.]