
Difficult, hard. Also pronounced at̓ɨ́kʷ. pank̓ú iwá at̓úk yáx̣tpa ‘Hoover’s umbrellawort is hard to find’; at̓úk iwá x̣nít ‘root digging is difficult’; at̓úk iwá x̣nít sɨ́t̓xʷsna ‘it is difficult to dig button root’; ku iwá at̓úk kʷaaná nákpnit waníčtna ‘and bringing out that name is difficult’; at̓úk iwá qqaanáyt ana kú miyánašma patɨ́x̣ˀuyix̣a ‘the work is difficult when the children make their first kill’; iwá at̓úk anam kú wánpt úyita ‘it is difficult when you will begin to medicine sing’; at̓úk kútkut ‘hard work’; wiyát̓uk ‘be blocked on the way’. [NP hatók̓ic /hatk̓ʷic/; cf. /hat̓kʷn/ ‘be difficult’.]