Purposive. Forms verb.
- patátamanikatata ‘they will go plant them’;
- ášapalulukatak ‘go nurse him!’;
- iq̓ínwatax̣amšnaš ‘she comes to see me’;
- amaš áwaaq̓inwatak ‘go have a look at them!’;
- kutaš ánč̓ax̣i x̣ʷyáyčatata ‘and we will go sweat again’;
- áw ánč̓wataša pšɨ́t ‘now his dad’s going to go to bed’;
- pinátisx̣p̓itkatak ‘go comb your hair!’
- ku pawínax̣ana patmaanítax̣ana tmɨ́šna ‘and they used to go to pick the chokecherry’;
- wɨ́npata ‘go get, fetch’.
- ačataš kú wínata x̣nɨ́mˀuyiyatata mɨtáłk̓ʷipa ‘because we will go do the first digging on Wednesday’;
- wáyx̣tix̣ana wɨ́npatax̣a aq̓uwitpamá płɨ́x̣ ‘we run to buy cough medicine’;
- kʷnáta kú patánakwinata xúlxulmaaman patátamanikatata ‘there then indeed they will haul the trout and plant them’.
- ášapaˀatayitak lúlukaš ‘go milk (the cow)!’;
- Reduces to -ta after a vowel:
- áwna łq̓íwitaša ‘let us go play’;
- čáwnam mún łq̓íwitata ana kʷná iwá tamicáwas ‘you should never go play where there is a cemetery’;
- paˀílax̣yawitax̣ana nɨkʷɨ́t kúušx̣i núsux kúušx̣i x̣nít ‘they used to go dry meat and salmon and roots’;
- paˀanítax̣ana Ímatalamyaw ‘they would go to Umatilla in order to make it’;
- patáwɨnpayitana tílaaki ‘they went to get him a wife’;
- ana pmáy pamáwšuwaša x̣nítatyaw ‘they who are getting themselves ready to go root digging’;
- tkʷáyta ‘throw, throw a spear’. Often occurs with a motion verb (such as wína ‘go’):
- wínašapam skúulitaša ‘you are going to school’;
- ku pawínax̣ana patmaanítax̣ana tmɨ́šna ‘and they would go pick the chokecherry’;
- wínanaataš x̣nítana ‘we went root digging’;
- kunam páyš wínata x̣nítata kʷaaní ‘and maybe you will go root digging in that direction’;
- kutaš wínata ánč̓a x̣nítata ‘and we will go digging again’;
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[NP /-ten/.]