
Town, store, city, trading post. CR variant of ɨtaymat̓áwas. paˀaníx̣ana tkʷátat ača kú čáw tún iwačá kúuk taymat̓áwas ‘they used to prepare their food because there wasn’t any store then’; čáw mún pawáyx̣tix̣ana ataymat̓áwasyaw túyaw ‘they would never run to any store’; ana tún tq̓íx̣ša kuna wáyx̣tiša ataymat̓áwasyaw kuna wɨ́npša kʷná ‘whatever we want we are running to town and buying it there’; ačanam kú ttáwax̣na nč̓ípa ataymat̓áwaspa ‘because he grew up in the big city’; ača kú iwačá naknúwiyi šuyapumaamípa nč̓ípa ataymat̓áwaspa ‘because he was kept among the white people in the big city’. [NE tuut̓úus; NP /ˀtam̓yánwaas/.]