Have a good time, have fun, celebrate. níix̣naš ayáyaša ‘I am having a good time’; áwna ayáyata ‘now we’ll have fun’; kuta pmáy pawiyánawita ku paˀayáyata ‘and they will arrive and have fun’; patáˀayayaša ‘they are happy for him’; áwayayašaaš kʷaaná tkʷátatna ‘I really like that food’; áwayayašaaš wíwnuna ‘I’m reveling in huckleberries (they say this when they’re plentiful)’; ku kʷɨ́nki paˀayáyaša ‘and they are having fun with that’; paˀayáyanx̣ana paamikíin ‘they used to celebrate about them’. [NP /ˀéy̓sn/.]