Right then, now, today. aw kú íkuuk anam mún aw kú áq̓inušaykš ‘then today whenever you see beyond’; kunam aw kú ana mún íkuuk áwɨnpša túna wílapsna ‘and then whenever today you will get a sturgeon’; íkuuksɨmi ‘straighten out’.
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Right then, now, today. aw kú íkuuk anam mún aw kú áq̓inušaykš ‘then today whenever you see beyond’; kunam aw kú ana mún íkuuk áwɨnpša túna wílapsna ‘and then whenever today you will get a sturgeon’; íkuuksɨmi ‘straighten out’.