
Cover, cover up, cover over, blanket. Also ísp̓i. isɨ́p̓iša ~ ísp̓iša ‘he is covering [it] up’; šwíčtki paˀisɨ́p̓ix̣ana tkʷátat ‘they used to cover their food with ryegrass’; isɨ́p̓iša paanáy ‘he is covering him up’; áwisp̓išaaš ‘I’m covering him up’; áwisɨp̓ik ‘cover him up!’ (as when he is asleep); pináˀisp̓ik ‘cover yourself up!’; pamáˀisɨp̓ix̣a ‘they cover themselves up’; patáˀisp̓iša ‘they’re covering them up’; áwna áwisp̓isa lapatáatna šwíčtki ku łíłx̣ki ‘now we are covering up the potatoes with ryegrass and dirt’; ísp̓iyi ‘covered up’; isp̓iyáł ‘not covered up, uncovered’. [NW šáša (Jacobs 1931:146, 150, 153); NP /hícp̓i/.]