
Woman’s son or daughter, man’s son. tɨ́ta ‘son!’; ínmišt ‘my son’; ímišt ‘your son’; íšt ‘(his/her) son’; ášapakkaasnayišaaš íšt ‘he is having his son hurry up’; kúušnaš ɨ́nx̣ana inmínɨm íštnɨm Yákmatnaynɨm ‘thusly my daughter Yákmatnay would tell me’; čáw mún patúx̣nɨma kʷiiní lulax̣mí íštiin ‘these two sons of Luláx never came back’; ínmištaanš áwɨnx̣ana ‘I would tell my son’; čí áwa inmištanmí ‘this is my son’s’; kúušnaš áwɨnx̣ana ínmištaan ‘thusly I would tell my son’; ínmištanɨmnaš ɨ́nx̣ana ‘my son would tell me’; kuna ášaq̓tčayita ku ápalklikayita páx̣at šapíinawit tiičám pyupyuMaqšmaqšmína íštna ‘and we will plough and fence five acres for YellowBird’s son’; itáx̣ɨnpša íštapa ‘she’s holding her child on her lap’; čímaš wá íštiin nápu ‘these are your two sons’; nč̓íkni inmí íšt wínš ‘my eldest son’; imištmí páp ‘your son’s daughter’; ístama ‘young (of animals)’. [NP /ˀ´sta/.]