Additionally, next. kuna wá lamaksásimk̓a ‘and next we are only alone’; kʷašta kú máalsɨmk̓a ásapsik̓ʷasa miyánašmaaman ‘and then however much longer I am teaching the children’; ku aw kú itqáwača áswan pɨlksásɨmk̓a ‘and then suddenly the boy was all alone’; máysxk̓atya kú aw kú iwínana ‘tomorrow then he went’; lɨ́xssɨmk̓a miimá níit iwá ‘there is only one old house left’; mɨ́łmansɨmk̓ataš wá Háwtmipa ‘how many are we only on McKay Creek?’; kʷata kú míš iwá níix̣ aw míšk̓a iwá mɨlá ‘wonder then whether it is good or whether it is bad’; máalsɨmk̓as wá ‘how far am I now?’; iwá čáwk̓a tún kʷná ‘there isn’t anything there any more’; kunam k̓í sc̓átpak̓a náktux̣šamta k̓ʷapɨ́n nɨkʷɨ́t ‘and on the last night you will bring back the aforementioned meat’; yiyáwk̓ax̣iš wátax̣na ‘I would have been pitiful’; áwnaš náx̣škik̓a sɨ́nwita ‘I’m going to speak about something else now’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷsɨmk̓aš čná wačá ‘the last time I was here’; č̓ɨ́šktpak̓anam itk̓íta ‘even though lying he will look at you’; aw k̓ʷáyk̓a áw ‘or’; c̓áak̓a ‘next’; čáwk̓a ‘no more, no longer’. Nonpalatalized variant of =č̓a. [NP /=k̓ey̓/ (Aoki 1994:271).]