Those two. Absolute dual. čná pawá kʷiiní kátkaatin ‘those two boys are here’. The dual function of kʷiiní is probably an extension of the associative, e.g., see kʷiiní ‘with that’. [NW kʷiiník (Jacobs 1937:31.17.3, pg. 74); Y kʷíyin.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Those two. Absolute dual. čná pawá kʷiiní kátkaatin ‘those two boys are here’. The dual function of kʷiiní is probably an extension of the associative, e.g., see kʷiiní ‘with that’. [NW kʷiiník (Jacobs 1937:31.17.3, pg. 74); Y kʷíyin.]