Back, spine. naknúwik k̓úpaš ača kú iwá átaw wawnakʷšašmíyay ‘take care of your back because it is important to the body’; nusuxmí k̓úpaš ‘salmon back’. [N k̓úpk̓up; NP /k̓ʷpk̓ʷp/.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Back, spine. naknúwik k̓úpaš ača kú iwá átaw wawnakʷšašmíyay ‘take care of your back because it is important to the body’; nusuxmí k̓úpaš ‘salmon back’. [N k̓úpk̓up; NP /k̓ʷpk̓ʷp/.]