The first feasting of the year, first eating, root feast, feast. ana mɨná iwá tún káˀuyit ‘wherever there is any feast’; ana kʷaaná patáwaničɨnx̣a latítlatit káˀuyitay ‘that which they designate “celery” for the feast’; pak̓ʷałánx̣a pčałk̓ʷína káˀuyitki ‘they celebrate Mother’s day with the feast’; sɨ́nwisanaaš káˀuyitki ‘I was talking about the feast’; wínax̣aataš ášuyatax̣a x̣nítna kutaš kúuk tmíyunx̣a káˀuyitki ‘we go check the roots and then we decide about the root feast’; wɨšáynačɨnx̣aataš káˀuyitpa ‘we move in at the root feast’. [WS sapálwit; NP /kéˀuyit/.]