Filbert, hazelnut, Corylus cornuta. Can also mean acorn. nč̓iWanapáyn pasápk̓ukɨnx̣ana kkúušna ílax̣yawitay ánɨmay ‘they used to gather filberts along the river for drying for winter’. [NP /ˀptq̓´łkt/.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Filbert, hazelnut, Corylus cornuta. Can also mean acorn. nč̓iWanapáyn pasápk̓ukɨnx̣ana kkúušna ílax̣yawitay ánɨmay ‘they used to gather filberts along the river for drying for winter’. [NP /ˀptq̓´łkt/.]