To do something. new info
- ikú ‘he has done it’;
- pásc̓at áawat ikú ‘the fog has disappeared’;
- tk̓ʷíikʷ ikúša ‘he is doing it right’;
- kʷná pakúx̣ana ánč̓a núsux̣na ku k̓súyasna inmíma tanánma ‘there again my people used to catch salmon and eels’;
- k̓úpnaš kʷíya apáp ‘I broke my arm (or hand)’;
- ayáyatnam kú ‘you’ve done beautifully, congradulations’;
- húynaš ikʷíya ‘he couldn’t do it’;
- kúušx̣i pakúx̣a ‘they do it the same way’;
- kúuš pakúx̣ana míimi ‘thusly they used to do long ago’;
- kúušpam kúta miyánašma ‘you children should do thusly’;
- čáwnam mún kúuš kúx̣ana ‘you never used to do like that’;
- čáwpam čná tún wíkuta ‘you won’t do anything here’;
- cnísaan ákʷiyayik ‘do something for your sister!’;
- páyu ikʷíyayiya (paanáy) apáp ‘he hurt his (the other person’s) hand’;
- čáw pináwikʷayik núšnu ‘don’t pick your nose!’;
- yáyš ikú ‘he has done wrong’;
- páyu ikʷíya (pinmíin) apáp ‘he hurt his (own) hand’;
See more:
čáku ‘pull’;
čápku ‘open a bundle, undo a braid’;
pákuk ‘copulate’.
[NP /ku/.]