
Forget. láaknaaš ‘I forgot’; čáwpam mún láakta imaamíin sɨ́nwit ‘you should never forget your language’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷ paláakša paamíin sɨ́nwit ‘they’re all forgetting their language’; kuš aw kú álaaksa ‘and then I am forgetting it’; awš kú álaaknayi waníčt ‘then I have forgotten her name’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷna áw láakša ‘we are all forgetting now’; paláakɨnx̣ana ana šín áwaca náymu ‘they would forget who was their relative’; iláakna walptáykt ‘he forgot to sing’; ku čáw pamálaakɨnx̣ana ‘and they wouldn’t forget themselves (who they were)’; álaaknayišnaš waníčt ‘I have forgotten his name’; ku čáw pamálaakɨnx̣ana ‘and they wouldn’t forget themselves’; čáwnam šapálaakta ‘don’t make me forget!’; čɨ́mlaakn ‘forget in fear’; láakni ‘forgotten’. [NE laˀákn; NP /ttóla/.]