Potato. itkʷámƛ̓ška apáp lapatáatpa ‘he stuck his hand in a rotten potato’; áwna áwisp̓isa lapatáatna šwíčtki ku łíłx̣ki ‘now we are covering up the potatoes with ryegrass and dirt’. [WS & Y wáptu; NP /lapatát/; Jargon, from French la patate.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Potato. itkʷámƛ̓ška apáp lapatáatpa ‘he stuck his hand in a rotten potato’; áwna áwisp̓isa lapatáatna šwíčtki ku łíłx̣ki ‘now we are covering up the potatoes with ryegrass and dirt’. [WS & Y wáptu; NP /lapatát/; Jargon, from French la patate.]