Root cookies; pemmican made out of chokecherries pounded with deer fat. Made like sapɨ́l but except for the meat or deer fat in it. paˀaníx̣ana kulakúlaki łapt̓alá ‘they used to make pemmican with thornberry’. [NP tán̓at /tn̓at/ ‘salmon pemmican’.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Root cookies; pemmican made out of chokecherries pounded with deer fat. Made like sapɨ́l but except for the meat or deer fat in it. paˀaníx̣ana kulakúlaki łapt̓alá ‘they used to make pemmican with thornberry’. [NP tán̓at /tn̓at/ ‘salmon pemmican’.]