Shine. iláqayx̣iša álxayx ‘the moon is shining’; iláqayx̣iša ‘she is shining’ (the flowering of the root); ana kú iláqayx̣ita x̣áwš ‘when the cous will light up (i.e., bloom)’; ku kúušx̣i áqalaqayx̣ita pɨnmíin wáwnakʷšaš kúuk ánč̓ax̣i ‘and in the same way her [the cous’s] body lights up again [with yellow flowers]’; kuna kúušx̣i láqayx̣ita naamí wáwnakʷšaš ‘and in the same way our bodies will shine’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷ tiičám iláqayx̣iya ‘all the land lit up’ (when Coyote wrestled the dark); ílukški álaqayx̣ix̣ana ‘theirs would light up with a fire’; láqayx̣itx̣awn ‘shine through’; šapálaqayx̣i ‘turn on light’. [NP /ˀlakáaˀawk/; /ˀlakáˀwi/.]