Bloom, flower, blossom. x̣áwš ilatíša ‘cous is blooming’ (before it seeds); ilatíya ččáa ‘the Juneberries bloomed’; ku álaqayx̣ita pɨnmíin wáwnakʷšaš ana kú ilatíta ‘and her [the chokecherry’s] body will shine when she blooms’. [NP /lati/.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Bloom, flower, blossom. x̣áwš ilatíša ‘cous is blooming’ (before it seeds); ilatíya ččáa ‘the Juneberries bloomed’; ku álaqayx̣ita pɨnmíin wáwnakʷšaš ana kú ilatíta ‘and her [the chokecherry’s] body will shine when she blooms’. [NP /lati/.]