
How long? how far? however long, however far. máal kʷná ikútkutšata ‘how long will he be working there?’; máalnam wínaša ‘how far are you going?’; máalsɨmk̓as wá ‘how far am I now?’; máal paq̓ínunx̣a paamíin ttáwax̣t ‘how far do they see their pedigree?’; máalnam ttáwax̣ɨn ‘how tall have you grown?’; máalna iwaníčayita náaman łk̓ʷí ‘how far will he name the day for us?’ (i.e., ‘how long will we live?’); watx̣ɨ́naš wɨ́npta núsux aš máal ín táwyaša ‘will I catch salmon as long as I am living?’; kʷašta kú máalsɨmk̓a ásapsik̓ʷasa miyánašmaaman ‘and then however much longer I am teaching the children’; ku máal áša ‘and he went in however long’; ana máal ‘however long, however far’. [NE maˀál(k); NP /mahál/.]