
Chief, boss. miyúux̣ iwá šúki naknuwiłá ku tmiyułá ‘a chief was a recognized care giver and decider’; kʷnáta kú amíyuux̣ma pasɨ́nwiya ‘there then the chiefs spoke’; amiyuux̣maamí áwača sɨ́nwit ‘it was the of chiefs to speak’; amíyuux̣ma ‘chiefs’; amiyuux̣maamí qqaanáyt ‘business of the chiefs’; amiyuux̣mí qqaanáyt ‘business of the chiefs’. [NW miyáwax̣; paˀámiyux̣ ‘chiefs’ (Jacobs 1929:213:10– 13; 17–18); NP /miyóox̣at(o)/.]