Wild columbine, Aquilegia formosa. nɨnɨknɨnɨkmí tɨmná iwá níix̣ tíwani paníčɨnx̣ana táatpaspa ‘columbine seeds are good smelling, they put them in their clothing’. [NP lalxlálx /llkl´lk/; /yeqehteˀí/.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Wild columbine, Aquilegia formosa. nɨnɨknɨnɨkmí tɨmná iwá níix̣ tíwani paníčɨnx̣ana táatpaspa ‘columbine seeds are good smelling, they put them in their clothing’. [NP lalxlálx /llkl´lk/; /yeqehteˀí/.]