
Locative case. ƛ̓áax̣ʷpa iwačá čúuš ɨščɨ́tpa ‘the water was on all the roads’; watx̣ɨ́n pawačá imaamípa ‘were they at your place?’; ittáwax̣na Ímatalampa ‘she grew up at Umatilla’; ačanam kú ttáwax̣na nč̓ípa ataymat̓áwaspa ‘because he grew up in the big city’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷpa iwačá čúuš ɨščɨ́tpa ‘the water was on all the roads’; náx̣š waníčt ipáyšta náx̣špa kʷná páx̣ałk̓ʷipa ‘a name will come out on that one Friday’; ača kú iwačá naknúwiyi šuyapumaamípa ‘because he was taken care of among the white people’; páwawšpa łamtɨ́x̣pa ‘he hit him on the head’; páwawyana pɨnmipáyn łamtɨ́x̣pa ‘he beat him on his head’; wínax̣anaaš náptipa nɨknípa ‘I used to go at two o’clock’; mɨ́łpan iwá nɨknípa ‘what time is it?’; k̓úycipa nɨknípa ‘nine o’clock’; čná tiičámpa ‘in this land’; yáƛ̓pitpa tiičámpa ‘in the wetlands’; páx̣atipa wáwtuktpa ‘on the fifth day’; tímašpa ‘on paper’; tkʷátatpa ‘in the food’; skúulpa ‘at school’; ayáyat q̓ínupa ‘beautiful in appearance’; níix̣ q̓ínupa ‘good looking’; inmípa wiyáx̣ayx̣tpa ‘in my daily living’; imaamipáyn tɨmnápa ‘in your hearts’; ánɨmpa ‘in winter’; wášani k̓úsipa ‘ridden on the horse, on horseback’. With nominalized verbs: ataš kú wiyákʷštikɨnx̣ana túpan łq̓íwitpa ‘when we used to do wrong in some playing’; k̓ʷíya iwá páyu núkšitpa ‘valarian smells awful’; at̓úk iwá x̣nítpa kápɨnki ‘it is hard to dig with the digging stick’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷ iwáta ayáyat q̓ínupa ‘all will be beautiful to see’. [NP /-pe/; probably a grammaticalized extension of PS *pe ‘be situated’.]