

Middle, between.


  1. kʷná pawɨ́šayčɨnx̣ana papáču wánapa ‘there they used to stay in the middle of the river’;
  2. papáču iwačá ‘it was the middle’;
  3. papáču áwača ‘theirs was in the middle’;
  4. ku kʷná paˀílukɨnx̣ana papáčupa ‘and there in the middle they would make a fire’;
  5. ača kú iwá áwtni papáču k̓ʷáalkpa ‘because it is tabooed in the middle of the longhouse’;
  6. papáču šuyapumaamípa ku tananmaamípa ‘between the whites and the Indians’;
  7. papáču náptipa wánapa ‘between the two rivers’;
  8. papáču álxayx ‘half moon’;
  9. papáču ánɨm ‘mid winter’;
  10. papáču łk̓ʷí ‘six o’clock, about six o’clock’;
  11. papáču sc̓át ‘midnight’.

See more:

páču ‘half’;

[NP /hepey/.]